中国人物网消息(记者 安迪)让世界充满光和爱的希望。中华文明属于世界的财富,我们都是新时代的见证者。光辉岁月,只有奋斗的人生,才称得上幸福的人生。创生命荣耀,筑世界和平。
为积极响应联合国可持续性发展目标,谨定于2020 年2月29日下午1点至5点,联合国网合集团与纽约 ASA大学共同主办“庆祝中华文化月、亚太裔传统文化节暨中美非文化交流活动”! 特邀请中国传统剪纸艺术家、古琴音乐家、旗袍会、青年舞蹈艺术 家、美国社会各界人士参与。 本次和纽约ASA大学共同合办活动,意在促进更多商业文化交流,以及推动中美非实体经济金融投资、 粮食、水、能源、教育、留学、旅游、美食、医疗、 健康等项目对接,带动就业,让世界充满爱和光明的希望。缔结联合国友好姐妹城市,传播联合国宗旨,早日实现世界大同。今年,将邀请对社会有卓越贡献者,访问联合国进行颁奖盛典活动。文章源自《中国记录》杂志网络版中国记录-
时间:2020年2月29日下午1点 – 5点文章源自《中国记录》杂志网络版中国记录-
地址::05 W 33rd St, New York, NY 10001文章源自《中国记录》杂志网络版中国记录-
Chinese civilization belongs to the wealth of the world, and we are witnesses of the new era. Let’s create glory of life and build world peace. In order to better promote the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, the United Nations Commutech Group and New York ASA College will host文章源自《中国记录》杂志网络版中国记录-
“Celebration of Chinese Culture Month, Asian-Pacific Traditional Culture Festival—— China, United States and Africa Cultural Exchange Event” on February 29th, 2020, from 1pm to 5pm. We invite traditional paper-cut artists, guqin musicians, cheongsam clubs, youth dance artists, and people from all walks of life to participate. The purpose of this event is to promote business and cultural exchanges, as well as to create a bridge for China, United States and Africa corporation on projects such as financial investment, food, water, energy, education, tourism, food, medical and health. Let’s work together to establish United Nations twin cities and spread the mission of the United Nations. This year, we will invite those who have made outstanding contributions to society to visit the United Nations for the awards ceremony.文章源自《中国记录》杂志网络版中国记录-
Time: February 29th, 2020 from 1pm – 5pm Venue:105 W 33rd St, New York, NY 10001 Dress Code: Formal Attire文章源自《中国记录》杂志网络版中国记录-
Organizers: United Nations Commutech Group; New York ASA College文章源自《中国记录》杂志网络版中国记录-
Please RSVP:Andy Lin, 646-269-0936,; Web: uncgtv.co文章源自《中国记录》杂志网络版中国记录-
United Nations Commutech Group Phones: (646) -269-0936文章源自《中国记录》杂志网络版中国记录-
Email: Web: uncgtv.co文章源自《中国记录》杂志网络版中国记录-
来源:中国记录通讯社纽约消息文章源自《中国记录》杂志网络版中国记录- 文章源自《中国记录》杂志网络版中国记录-
